Howzit everybody. So want to know a little bit about me? Shoots but first
I'd like to dedicate this website to my family up in da mainland, to all the
homesick hawaiians up in da mainland, and to all da jammaz here in da islands.
Now here's some information about the
name: travis
sex: male
born & raised: here in da islands (raised in makaha).
location: ewa beach, hawaii
school: james campbell high school c/o 2003
previous-schoolz: makaha, nanakuli, pohokea, kaimiloa, ewa, ilima
nationality: filipino, hawaiian, spanish, chinese, & austrian
favorite music: classic hawaiian and reggae.
what kine uke i get: Concert Applause
what kine guitar i get: Takamine G-Series
hobbies: free diving, music, and sports.
teams: new orleans saints